Les Impatients is an organization working for the benefit of individuals with mental health problems through artistic expression, offering free creative workshops and exposing artworks created within their workshops across Quebec. 
The Les Impatients collection showcases artworks of the participants of the program. For every suit purchase, part of the proceeds go the Les Impatients. A huge thank you to all our customers who personally support or have an interest in helping those who work for the benefit of individuals with mental health problems.

Tom Buckley

Tom Buckley was a participant at the Pointe-aux-Trembles workshop in the early 2000s. Living in Greenfield Park, he formed along with two other men from the region, a small group to come with to this workshop. Tom Buckley loved sports and his production was strongly influenced by it. Golf, baseball, and hockey are recurring themes found in his artworks. 

He creates each of his works with stencils, which he repeats in a very orderly manner. He starts by tracing the shape with a black marker, then colors them with colored markers. In addition to sports related shapes, Tom Buckley draws many geometric shapes in bright colors, always with the same orderly layout and economy of means. His titles are very important. They are an integral part of the work and often allow us to understand it well.

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David Forest

David Forest was born in 1977 in Montreal. He lived for a few years in Montérégie and then in Lac-Saint-Jean. In 1998, he joined the Impatients art workshops where he is still, to this day, very active and prolific. David has a unique style, recognizable at first glance: felt-tip pens on paper, colorful graphic faces with large strokes of primary colors, where we sometimes find architectural or plant elements. 

Facing the white sheet, he seems guided by the line, abandoning himself to the will of the pencil and the shapes imposed by it. The creator says he is influenced by surrealism and Asian art (Thai, Indian, Chinese) and defines himself as a “voodoo artist”. Regardless of his inspirations, David Forest's work remains enigmatic.  

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Michel Brabant

It was with great enthusiasm and spontaneity that Michel, born in 1949, attended the Impatients workshops at the IUSMM from 1996 to 2002. For him, it was a weekly meeting not to be missed because Michel enjoys picking up his drawing where he left off the previous week. He likes to work in continuity, he manipulates plasticine to make two-tone characters and most of the time uses gouache or wax pencils to draw series of multicolored flat areas, jerky or grid lines over the entire surface. of the leaf. We also recognize in his semi-abstractions triangular faces, oblong shapes containing noses, eyes and mouths. The sun and clocks are also among his subjects. His creations invite us to observe familiar themes, the solar star and the immensity of the universe, time that passes in an elusive way and the individual, himself, as a simple witness to what is beyond him.

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Louis Valentine

Born in 1966, Louis Valentine regularly participated in the workshops given by Les Impatients from 1993 to 2008. Although always smiling, the man in the eternal worker's overalls was secretive and spoke little, if at all. His paintings are generally recognizable by their washed out areas of watercolor or gouache in luminous colors. Always very concentrated during his work, Louis Valentine begins his compositions by slowly and carefully tracing, with lead pencil or felt-tip pen, series of repetitive motifs: circles and diagonals which often revolve around the notion of habitat. Houses, paned windows and endless staircases occupy and geometrize the spaces. These references to home surely comfort their author. It is from this tension between flat areas of paint and organic or geometric shapes that the singularity and immediate appeal that his works have on us are born.

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Larry Vick

It was in 2002 that Larry Vick enrolled in the Impatients workshops. The benefits of creation are quickly felt. It allows him, among other things, to leave the house, to “unhook” and to complete a project, which is a great source of satisfaction for him. After practicing with felt-tip pens, Larry turned to colored pencils with endless multi-colored combinations. Two periods characterize his creations, the first is figurative, with a marked interest in the elements of nature and the second is abstract, with the repetition of flat shapes. Larry emphasizes the patience work he demonstrates in the elaboration of geometric figures and in the choice of juxtaposing certain complementary colors. Each of his unique works is the result of several dozen hours of work. So that he doesn't miss a color along the way, a box of wooden pencils is reserved in his name to ensure that he finds his colors week after week. His meticulous graphic compositions are cleverly arranged in a way that the emerging patterns play with our vision of shapes, colors and space like an optical illusion.

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Willy Beauvais

Né en 1970 à Loches, France, Willy fréquente l'atelier depuis 1992, d'abord à Pointe-aux Trembles puis au centre-ville. Titulaire d'un certificat en arts visuels, Willy Beauvais participe à de multiples ateliers aux Impatients. C'est pour lui l'occasion de retrouver le plaisir de créer. Ses dessins tournent souvent autour du même personnage aux cercles creux et aux cheveux ébouriffés. Les teintes vertes et bleues qu'il utilise enrobent ses œuvres d'un voile mystérieux qui définit clairement son style. Chaque année, il participe au concert Impatients dans le cadre des ateliers de musique et fait partie du Big Bang Band, le groupe musical de cet atelier. De plus, il est auteur-compositeur-interprète depuis plus de 30 ans. Il a produit plus de 50 petits albums et 1 800 chansons. Son travail peut être retrouvé sur Bandcamp, sous le nom de Willy Noise.

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Jean Boutin

Né le 13 juin 1965, il fréquente les ateliers Impatients depuis le début des années 1990. Dans ses tableaux, Jean Boutin écrit inlassablement au crayon et au pinceau trempés dans la gouache ses préoccupations, ses intérêts, ses idées fixes. Ses « écrits » parlent de sports, notamment des noms d’équipes ainsi que des joueurs de hockey et de baseball. Il trace de grandes lettres, attachées et détachées, avec un élan spontané et sans hésitation. Je soupçonne qu'il utilise les lettres de la même manière que d'autres utilisent l'art du paysage. Je sens l'oiseau avec ses grands battements d'ailes et je sens le vent emporter tout sur son passage. M. Boutin ne peint pas pour séduire, ni même pour partager, il peint inlassablement avec un immense plaisir personnel, et pour lui-même. Nous avons le privilège et le bonheur de découvrir et d'apprécier ses créations à part entière.

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+1 (514) 612 6699 - Nathon Kong HQ - Suite 110, 376 Victoria Avenue Westmount QC, Canada, H3Z 1C3